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オンラインショップ→ gallerymarkwell.com
メールアドレス→ markwel@de.mbn.or.jp
会期: 2025年2月5日(水)~ 2月18日(火)
会場: 大丸神戸店8F Gallery TOART
2009年 東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科 文化財保存学保存修復日本画専攻を修了し現在、日本美術院院友と活躍中の綿引はるな。季節折々の花や鳥たち、そして躍動感溢れるフクロウを、透明感のある重厚な絵肌で描きます。今展では、岩絵の具による新作作品30余点を展示販売いたします。どうぞご高覧くださいますようご案内申し上げます。
Haruna Watahiki paints seasonal flowers and birds, as well as dynamic owls, with a transparent, heavy texture. In this exhibition, more than 30 new works in iwa-enogu (mineral pigments) will be on display and for sale. The art exhibition will be held from Wednesday, February 5, to Tuesday, February 18, at the Daimaru Department Store in Kobe, on the 8th floor of the gallery TOART.
会期: 2025年2月5日(水)~ 2月18日(火)
会場: 大丸神戸店8F Gallery TOART
Miho Kaneko paints flowers and animals in cute, eccentric colors and fun, rich designs. In this exhibition, more than 30 of her latest works will be on display and for sale. The art exhibition will be held from Wednesday, February 5, to Tuesday, February 18, at the Daimaru Department Store in Kobe, on the 8th floor of the gallery TOART.
会期: 2025年2月6日(木)~ 2月12日(水)
会場: 東武百貨店 船橋店5F 5番地 美術画廊
The forest, the waterfront, the people, the house, the wind. What is around me. What is inside me. Among them, I painted mainly people and some pieces for this exhibition. I asked acquaintances to be my models, sketched them, and finished the paintings after a process of trial and error. But I feel that they are different from the so-called “portrait paintings”. I think they are more like “flower paintings”. I hope you will enjoy the new harmony that is created when this “flower painting” is placed next to my painting of a familiar motif.
Shie Muramatsu
The art exhibition will be held from Thursday, February 6, to Wednesday, February 12, at Tobu Department Store in Kobe, No. 5, 5th floor.
会期: 2025年2月20日(木)~ 2月26日(水)
会場: 東武百貨店 池袋店6F 1番地 美術画廊
谷川 将樹
Since ancient times, the culture and custom of valuing “ma (interval)” has been rooted in Japan, and I feel that this feeling is uniquely Japanese. My works reflect my unconscious search for “ma”. This feeling is an important foundation of my pictorial expression. I hope that through my works, you will find the transitions of “ma” in the elements of time, distance, psychology, and energy.
Masaki Tanikawa
The art exhibition will be held from Thursday, February 20, to Wednesday, February 26, at Tobu Department Store in Ikebukuro, No.1, 6th floor.